Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar


Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar 2024


2022 | 2023 | 2024


Current contacts: Jaclyn Lang, Catherine Hsu, Ian Whitehead, and Djordje Milicevic

The Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar rotates between Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and Temple. In Fall 2022, we meet on Tuesday afternoons, usually with tea at 3pm and then the talk 3:30-5pm. Please pay careful attention to the times and locations of the talks as they change from week to week! If you would like to be added to our mailing list or if you are interested in being a speaker, please contact one of the organizers. In future semesters, we anticipate that the seminar will be on Wednesday afternoons.

Click on title for abstract.

  • Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Distribution of the successive minima of the Petersson norm on cusp forms

    Souparna Purohit, University of Pennsylvania

    Given an arithmetic variety 𝒳 and a hermitian line bundle ℒ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯, the arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel theorem describes the asymptotic behavior of the co-volumes of the lattices H0(𝒳,ℒ⊗k) in the normed spaces H0(𝒳,ℒ⊗k)⊗ℝ as k→∞. Using his work on quasi-filtered graded algebras, Chen proved a variant of the arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel theorem which studies the asymptotic behavior of the successive minima of the lattices above. Chen's theorem, however, requires that the metric on ℒ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ is continuous, and hence does not apply to automorphic vector bundles for which the natural metrics are often singular. In this talk, we discuss a version of Chen's theorem for the line bundle of modular forms for a finite index subgroup Γ⊆PSL2(ℤ) endowed with the logarithmically singular Petersson metric. This generalizes work of Chinburg, Guignard, and Soul\'{e} addressing the case Γ=PSL2(ℤ).

  • Wednesday February 21, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    The Schottky problem in characteristic p

    Steven Groen, Lehigh University

    The Schottky problem is a classical problem that asks which Abelian varieties are isomorphic to the Jacobian of a (smooth) curve. If the dimension exceeds 3, not every Abelian variety can be a Jacobian. In characteristic p, there are additional tools that shed light on this question. In particular, the Ekedahl-Oort stratification partitions Abelian varieties by their p-torsion group scheme. An example of this is the distinction between ordinary elliptic curves and supersingular elliptic curves. The Ekedahl-Oort stratification leads to the following question: which p-torsion group schemes arise from Jacobians of (smooth) curves? Although this question is still wide open, I will present some progress on it, in particular when the curves in question are Artin-Schreier covers. Part of this is joint work with Huy Dang.

  • Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    On the Density Hypothesis for Families of Lattices

    Djordje Milicevic, Bryn Mawr College

    Selberg’s celebrated Eigenvalue Conjecture states that all nonzero Lapla- cian eigenvalues on congruence quotients of the upper half-plane are at least 41 . This particularly strong form of the “spectral gap” property can be thought of as the archimedean counterpart of the Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture for Hecke eigen- values of cusp forms, is expected to suitably hold for more general Lie groups and their arithmetic quotients, and remains far from resolution.

    For analytic applications in a family of automorphic forms, in the absence of Selberg’s conjecture, the non-tempered spectrum can often be satisfactorily handled if the exceptions in the family are known to be “sparse” and “not too bad”, in a sense made precise by the so-called density hypothesis evoking the classical density estimates of prime number theory.

    In this friendly talk, we will first talk about the density hypothesis in general and how one can go about proving such an estimate. We will then present our recent result (joint with Fra ̧czyk, Harcos, and Maga) establishing the density hypothesis for a broad natural “horizontal” family of not necessarily commensurable arithmetic orbifolds, with uniform power-saving estimates in the volume and spectral aspects.


  • Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Upper and lower bounds for the large deviations of Selberg's central limit theorem

    Emma Bailey, CUNY

    Suppose we form a complex random variable by evaluating the Riemann zeta function at a random uniform height on the critical line, 1/2 + i U. Selberg’s central limit theorem informs us that the real (or indeed the imaginary) part of the logarithm of this random variable behaves, as T grows, like a centred Gaussian with a particular variance.  It is of interest, in particular in relation to the moments of the Riemann zeta function, to understand the large deviations of this random variable.  In this talk I will discuss the case for the right tail, presenting upper and lower bounds in work joint with L-P Arguin.

  • Monday April 1, 2024 at 16:00, Temple University, Tuttleman Learning Center, 101

    Archimedes' giant troll

    Akshay Venkatesh, Institute for Advanced Study


    A 22-line poem written around 200 B.C. and attributed to Archimedes challenges the diligent and wise recipient to compute the number of cattle in the herds of the Sun God, after enumerating various properties of these herds. In mathematical language, the lines of the poem translate into a system of constraints amounting to a quadratic equation in two variables; but the resulting question required a further 2000 years to solve. (It turns out that the Sun God has no shortage of cows.) I will tell the story of this puzzle and its underlying mathematics, which is amazingly rich, inspiring mathematicians from Ancient Greece and medieval India to the present.

    This lecture is intended for a general audience. 


  • Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 11:00, Temple University, Wachman Hall 617

    The duality paradigm for compact groups

    Akshay Venkatesh, Institute for Advanced Study


    It is a remarkable fact that there is a duality on the set of compact connected Lie groups; this duality interchanges, for example, the rotation group in three dimensions, and the group of unitary two-by-two matrices with determinant 1. This duality emerged in mathematics in the 1960s and, independently, in physics in the 1970s. In mathematics, it has served as an organizing principle for a great variety of phenomena related to Lie group theory, much of which falls under the heading of the “Langlands program”. I will describe some of the history and then two more recent developments: the realization that the mathematical and physics contexts for the duality are actually related to one another, and my recent work with Ben-Zvi and Sakellaridis where we seek to incorporate into the duality spaces upon which the group acts.


  • Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 14:00, Temple University, Wachman Hall 617

    The AI mathematician

    Akshay Venkatesh, Institute for Advanced Study

    It is likely that developments in automated reasoning will transform research mathematics. I will discuss some ways in which we mathematicians might think about and approach this. The talk will *not* be about current or potential abilities of computers to do mathematics — rather I will look at topics such as the history of automation and mathematics, and related philosophical questions.

  • Wednesday April 10, 2024 at 15:00, Swarthmore College, Science Center Room 181

    A refined random matrix model for function field L-functions

    Will Sawin, Columbia University

    The moments of the absolute value of the Riemann zeta function, up to height T, are expected to be a certain polynomial in log T. Since Keating and Snaith, the random matrix model for the Riemann zeta function has been used not just to model the distribution of its zeroes but the distribution of its values as well, which should include the moments. A modified random matrix model due to Gonek, Hughes, and Keating predicts the leading term of the moment polynomial but not the lower-order terms. In, for now, the function field case, I propose a different modification of the random matrix model. In work in progress, I show this model predicts all terms of the moment polynomial when q is sufficiently large. 

  • Wednesday April 17, 2024 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 245

    Arithmetic and Topology of Modular Knots

    Christopher-Lloyd Simon, Pennsylvania State University

    We study several arithmetic and topological structures on the set of conjugacy classes of the modular group PSL(2;Z), such as equivalence relations or bilinear functions.

    A) The modular group PSL(2; Z) acts on the hyperbolic plane with quotient the modular orbifold M, whose oriented closed geodesics correspond to the hyperbolic conjugacy classes in PSL(2; Z). For a field K containing Q, two matrices of PSL(2; Z) are said to be K-equivalent if they are conjugated by an element of PSL(2;K). For K = C this amounts to grouping modular geodesics of the same length. For K = Q we obtain a refinement of this equivalence relation which we will relate to genus- equivalence of binary quadratic forms, and we will give a geometrical interpretation in terms of the modular geodesics (angles at the intersection points and lengths of the ortho-geodesics).

    T) The unit tangent bundle U of the modular orbifold M is a 3-dimensional manifold homeomorphic to the complement of trefoil in the sphere. The modular knots in U are the periodic orbits for the geodesic flow, lifts of the closed oriented geodesics in M , and also correspond to the hyperbolic conjugacy classes in PSL(2; Z). Their linking number with the trefoil is well understood as it has been identified by E. Ghys with the Rademacher cocycle. We are interested in the linking numbers between two modular knots. We will show that the linking number with a modular knot minus that with its inverse yields a quasicharacter on the modular group, and how to extract a free basis out of these. For this we prove that the linking pairing is non degenerate. We will also associate to a pair of modular knots a function defined on the character variety of PSL(2;Z), whose limit at the boundary recovers their linking number.



  • Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Rational torsion in modular Jacobians

    Preston Wake, Michigan State University

    For a prime number N, Ogg's conjecture states that the torsion in the Jacobian of the modular curve X0(N) is generated by the cusps. Mazur proved Ogg's conjecture as one of the main theorems in his "Eisenstein ideal" paper. I'll talk about a generalization of Ogg's conjecture for squarefree N and a proof using the Eisenstein ideal. This is joint work with Ken Ribet. 

  • Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 14:45, Swarthmore College Science Center 149

    Preview of Lectures 1 & 2 in mini-course on local fields

    Catherine Hsu, Swarthmore College

    In these lectures, we explore the theory of discrete valuations, including both arithmetic and topological properties. We conclude by defining non-archimedean local fields.

  • Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    The geometry and arithmetic of the Ceresa cycle

    Ari Shnidman, IAS

    An algebraic curve C of genus g > 1 can be embedded in its Jacobian variety J in two different ways: {x - e : x in C} and {e - x : x in C}.  The Ceresa cycle k(C) is the formal difference of these two curves-- it vanishes if and only if these two curves can be algebraically deformed to each other within J. To date, the only known cases of k(C) = 0 are hyperelliptic curves. However, many examples of k(C) being torsion have recently been found, among curves/Jacobians with symmetries. I'll survey these recent examples, with an emphasis on what number theory has to say about this (a priori) purely algebro-geometric question.  

  • Wednesday September 25, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Convergent Decomposition Groups and an S-adic Shafarevich Conjecture

    Andrew Kwon, UPenn

    In the first part of this talk, I will survey some of the landmark results that demonstrate how closely intertwined arithmetic, Galois theory, and model theory can be (especially situations when "Galois theory = arithmetic" and "model theory = arithmetic" for nice fields). Special attention will be given to decomposition groups and local-global principles, which are the main characters for the second half.

    In the second part of the talk, I will discuss known and new results about decomposition groups that generate (generalized) profinite free products and how this relates to a certain Shafarevich Conjecture. Time permitting, I will also discuss future directions pertaining to reconstruction theorems and decidability.

  • Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 14:45, Swarthmore College Science Center 149

    Preview of Lectures 3 & 4 in PAWS mini-course on local fields

    Catherine Hsu, Swarthmore College

    In these lectures, we will state and prove Hensel's lemma and explore some applications of this important tool. We'll then give a classification of non-archimedean local fields and describe the structure of the multiplicative group of p-adic number fields.

  • Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 14:45, Swarthmore College Science Center 149

    Experiments with L-functions

    Nathan Ryan, Bucknell College 

    L-functions are central to many questions in modern number theory in the sense that they encode a lot of information about complex number theoretic objects.  While L-functions can be attached to primes, to primes in arithmetic progressions, to modular forms, to elliptic curves, etc., at the end of the day they're just complex analytic functions and they can be evaluated numerically at different points on the complex plane.  In this talk, I'll describe two projects that I've worked on.  The first is using random matrix theory to model the zeros of L-functions and the second is a method to evaluate L-functions at points in the plane that uses surprisingly little number theoretic information.

  • Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Generalised Eigenvalues and Flach classes

    Alice Pozzi, University of Bristol

    The connection between eigenvalues of Hecke operators acting on spaces of automorphic forms and representations of Galois groups is the central theme of the Langlands program. When the action of the Hecke algebra is not semisimple, one can define the finer notion of generalised Hecke eigenvalues; these turn out to be closely related to deformations of Galois representations. In this talk, I will discuss instances of this phenomenon arising for weight 2 mod p modular forms exploiting certain cohomology classes for the symmetric square representation constructed by Flach. This is joint work with Henri Darmon.

  • Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 15:00, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Geometric aspects of general multiple Dirichlet series over function fields

    Matthew Case-Liu, Columbia University

    Multiple Dirichlet series were originally defined as multi-variate Dirichlet series satisfying certain functional equations with conjecturally nice analytic properties that would give precise asymptotics for moments of L-functions. Generalizing an observation of Chinta, Sawin recently gave an axiomatic characterization of a general class of multiple Dirichlet series over function fields that is independent of their functional equations. Moreover, he proved their existence as formal power series by exhibiting the coefficients as trace functions of explicit perverse sheaves.

    In this talk, I'll explain how to 1. prove analyticity of these series in a suitable non-empty region of convergence, and 2. establish some (but not all) of the functional equations that they satisfy. The methods for both are completely geometric: analyticity is a consequence of bounding the cohomology of local systems on a compactification of a configuration space, and the functional equations follow from a density trick for irreducible perverse sheaves.

  • Wednesday November 6, 2024 at 14:45

    Preview of Lectures 5 & 6 in mini-course on local fields

    Catherine Hsu, Swarthmore College


  • Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Tate classes and automorphic forms: a GSp(4) example

    Naomi Sweeting, IAS/Princeton

    The Hodge and Tate Conjectures aim to describe the part of cohomology coming from algebraic cycles on an algebraic variety. In this talk, I'll describe some Tate classes on the product of a modular curve and a Siegel 3-fold, that can be constructed using automorphic forms. As it turns out, one can prove that some -- but not all -- of these classes come from an algebraic subvariety with a simple moduli interpretation. One can also prove that all the Tate classes in this family of examples are Hodge classes, a result which is a kind of cohomological shadow of Tate's conjecture.

    The talk will start with a review of the Hodge and Tate Conjectures, the expected relation between them, and what is already known about the conjectures for Shimura varieties.


Current contacts: Jaclyn Lang, Catherine Hsu, Ian Whitehead, and Djordje Milicevic

The Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar rotates between Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and Temple. In Fall 2022, we meet on Tuesday afternoons, usually with tea at 3pm and then the talk 3:30-5pm. Please pay careful attention to the times and locations of the talks as they change from week to week! If you would like to be added to our mailing list or if you are interested in being a speaker, please contact one of the organizers. In future semesters, we anticipate that the seminar will be on Wednesday afternoons.

Click on title for abstract.

  • Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 14:30, Temple University, Wachman 414

    Serre curves relative to obstructions modulo 2

    Rakvi, University of Pennsylvania 

    Let 𝐸 be an elliptic curve defined over Q. Fix an algebraic closure Q of Q. We get a Galois representation 𝜌𝐸 : Gal(Q/Q) → GL2(Z) associated to 𝐸 by choosing a compatible bases for the 𝑁 -torsion subgroups of 𝐸 (Q). In this talk, I will discuss my recent work joint with Jacob Mayle where we consider elliptic curves 𝐸 defined over Q for which the image of the adelic Galois representation 𝜌𝐸 is as large as possible given a constraint on the image modulo 2. For such curves, we give a characterization in terms of their l-adic images, compute all examples of conductor at most 500,000, precisely describe the image of 𝜌𝐸 , and offer an application to the cyclicity problem. In this way, we generalize some foundational results on Serre curves.

  • Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Relative Trace Formula and L-functions for GL(n+1) x GL(n)

    Liyang Yang, Princeton University

    We will introduce a relative trace formula on GL(n + 1) weighted by cusp forms on GL(n) over number fields. The spectral side is an average of Rankin– Selberg L-functions for GL(n + 1) × GL(n) over the full spectrum, and the geometric side consists of Rankin–Selberg L-functions for GL(n) × GL(n), and certain explicit meromorphic functions. The formula yields new results towards central L-values for GL(n + 1) × GL(n): the second moment evaluation, and simultaneous nonvnanish- ing in the level aspect. Further applications to the subconvexity problem will be discussed if time permits. 

  • Wednesday February 15, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Consecutive tuples of multiplicatively dependent integers

    Ingrid Vukusic, University of Salzburg


    An n-tuple of integers (a1 , . . . , an ) is called multiplicatively dependent, if it allows you to win the “Cancelling Game”, i.e. if there exist integers k1, . . . , kn ∈ Z, not all zero, such that

    a^{k1} ···a^{kn} =1. 

    After an unconventional introduction, we will ask many questions related to con- secutive tuples of multiplicatively dependent integers, and answer some of them. For example, do there exist integers 1 < a < b such that (a,b) and (a+1,b+1) are both multiplicatively dependent? It turns out that this question is easily answered, and after briefly discussing some more general properties of pairs, we will move on to triples. The proof of the main result relies on lower bounds for linear forms in logarithms. This talk is based on joint work with Volker Ziegler, as well as some work in progress. 


  • Wednesday March 1, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity for 3-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds

    Zvi Shgem-Tov, IAS

    The Quantum Unique Ergodicity conjecture of Rudnick and Sarnak says that eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a compact manifold of negative curvature become equidistributed as the eigenvalue tends to infinity. In the talk I will discuss a recent work on this problem for arithmetic quotients of the three dimensional hyperbolic space. I will present a rather detailed proof of our key result that these eigenfunctions cannot concentrate on certain proper submanifolds. Joint work with Lior Silberman. 

  • Wednesday March 15, 2023 at 14:30, Temple University, Tuttleman 404

    Ribet’s Lemma, the Brumer-Stark Conjecture, and the Main Conjecture

    Samit Dasgupta, Duke University

    In 1976, Ken Ribet used modular techniques to prove an important relationship between class groups of cyclotomic fields and special values of the zeta function. Ribet’s method was generalized to prove the Iwasawa Main Conjecture for odd primes p by Mazur-Wiles over Q and by Wiles over arbitrary totally real fields.

    Central to Ribet’s technique is the construction of a nontrivial extension of one Galois character by another, given a Galois representation satisfying certain properties. Throughout the literature, when working integrally at p, one finds the assumption that the two characters are not congruent mod p. For instance, in Wiles’ proof of the Main Conjecture, it is assumed that p is odd precisely because the relevant characters might be congruent modulo 2, though they are necessarily distinct modulo any odd prime.

    In this talk I will present a proof of Ribet’s Lemma in the case that the characters are residually indistinguishable. As arithmetic applications, one obtains a proof of the Iwasawa Main Conjecture for totally real fields at p=2. Moreover, we complete the proof of the Brumer-Stark conjecture by handling the localization at p=2, building on joint work with Mahesh Kakde for odd p. Our results yield the full Equivariant Tamagawa Number conjecture for the minus part of the Tate motive associated to a CM abelian extension of a totally real field, which has many important corollaries.

    This is joint work with Mahesh Kakde, Jesse Silliman, and Jiuya Wang.

  • Wednesday March 22, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Fine scale properties of sequences modulo 1

    Christopher Lutsko, Rutgers University

    Given a sequence of numbers, a key question one can ask is how is this sequence distributed? In particular, does the sequence exhibit any pseudo-random properties? (i.e., properties shared by random sequences). For example one can ask if the sequence is uniformly distributed modulo 1 (macroscopic scale), or if the pair correlation or gap distribution is Poissonian (fine scale). In this talk I will introduce these concepts, and discuss a set of examples where this behavior is fully understood. The techniques used are common tools in analytic number theory, and the question relates to problems in quantum chaos, and relates to the study of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (although I will refrain from presenting my proof of RH...). This is joint work with Athanasios Sourmelidis and Nichlas Technau. 

  • Wednesday March 29, 2023 at 14:30, Temple University, Tuttleman 1A

    Massey products and elliptic curves

    Frauke Bleher, University of Iowa

    This is joint work with T. Chinburg and J. Gillibert. The application of Massey products to understand the Galois groups of extensions of number fields is a longstanding research topic. In 2014, Minac and Tan showed that triple Massey products vanish for the absolute Galois group of any field F. In 2019, Harpaz and Wittenberg showed that this remains true for all higher Massey products in the case when F is a number field. The first natural case to consider beyond fields is that of Massey products for curves over fields. I will discuss some known and new vanishing and non-vanishing results in this case. In particular, for elliptic curves I will provide a classification for the non-vanishing of triple Massey products under various natural assumptions. The main tool is the representation theory of etale fundamental groups into upper triangular unipotent matrix groups. I will begin with background about Massey products, which first arose in topology, and about the relevant representation theory, before discussing our results. 

  • Wednesday April 5, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Applications of the Endoscopic Classification to Statistics of Cohomological Automorphic Representations on Unitary Groups

    Rahul Dalal, Johns Hopkins University

    Starting from the example of classical modular modular forms, we mo- tivate and describe the problem of computing statistics of automorphic representa- tions. We then describe how techniques using or built off of the Arthur–Selberg trace formula help in studying it.

    Finally, we present recent work on one particular example: consider the family of automorphic representations on some unitary group with fixed (possibly non- tempered) cohomological representation π0 at infinity and level dividing some finite upper bound. We compute statistics of this family as the level restriction goes to in- finity. For unramified unitary groups and a large class of π0, we are able to compute the exact leading term for both counts of representations and averages of Satake parameters. We get bounds on our error term similar to previous work by Shin– Templier that studied the case of discrete series at infinity. We also discuss corollar- ies related to the Sarnak–Xue density conjecture, average Sato–Tate equidistribution in families, and growth of cohomology for towers of locally symmetric spaces. The specific new technique making this unitary example tractable is an extension of an inductive argument that was originally developed by Ta ̈ıbi to count unramified rep- resentations on Sp and SO and used the endoscopic classification of representations (which our case requires for non-quasisplit unitary groups).

    This is joint work with Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier. 


  • Wednesday April 12, 2023 at 14:30, Temple University, Tuttleman 1A

    The nonvanishing of Selmer groups for certain symplectic Galois representations

    Sam Mundy, Princeton University

    Given an automorphic representation π of SO(n,n+1) with certain nice properties at infinity, one can nowadays attach to π a p-adic Galois representation R of dimension 2n. The Bloch--Kato conjectures then predict in particular that if the L-function of R vanishes at its central value, then the Selmer group attached to a particular twist of R is nontrivial.

    I will explain work in progress proving the nonvanishing of these Selmer groups for such representations R, assuming the L-function of R vanishes to odd order at its central value. The proof constructs a nontrivial Selmer class using p-adic deformations of Eisenstein series attached to π, and I will highlight the key new input coming from local representation theory which allows us to check the Selmer conditions for this class at primes for which π is ramified. 

  • Wednesday April 26, 2023 at 14:30, Temple University, Tuttleman 404

    Intersection of components for Emerton-Gee stack for GL2

    Kalyani Kansal, Johns Hopkins University

    The Emerton-Gee stack for GL2 is a stack of (phi, Gamma)-modules of rank two. Its reduced part, X, is an algebraic stack of finite type over a finite field, and it can be viewed as a moduli stack of mod p representations of a p-adic Galois group. We compute criteria for codimension one intersections of the irreducible components of X. We interpret these criteria in terms motivated by conjectural categorical p-adic and mod p Langlands correspondence. We also give a cohomological criterion for the number of top-dimensional components in a codimension one intersection. 

  • Wednesday September 13, 2023 at 14:30, Temple, Wachman Hall 413

    On the Universal Deformation Ring of Residual Galois Representations with Three Jordan Holder Factors

    Xiaoyu (Coco) Huang, CUNY Graduate Center

    In this work, we study Fontaine-Laffaille, essentially self-dual deformations of a mod p non-semisimple Galois representation of dimension n with its Jordan-Holder factors being three mutually non-isomorphic absolutely irreducible representations. We show that under some conditions on certain Selmer groups, the universal deformation ring is a discrete valuation ring. Given enough information on the Hecke side, we also prove an R=T theorem. We then apply our results to abelian surfaces with cyclic rational isogenies and certain 6-dimensional representations arising from automorphic forms congruent to Ikeda lifts. In particular, our result identifies the special L-value conditions for the uniqueness of the abelian surface isogeny class, and assuming the Bloch-Kato conjecture, an R=T theorem for the 6-dimensional representations. 

  • Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 14:30, Temple, Wachman Hall 413

    Modularity of trianguline Galois representations

    Rebecca Bellovin, IAS

    The Fontaine-Mazur conjecture (proved by Kisin and Emerton) says that (under certain technical hypotheses) a Galois representation $\rho:Gal_Q\rightarrow GL_2(\overline{Q_p})$ is modular if it is unramified outside finitely many places and de Rham at $p$. I will talk about what this means, and I will discuss an analogous modularity result for Galois representations $\rho:Gal_Q\rightarrow GL_2(L)$ when $L$ is instead a non-archimedean local field of characteristic $p$. 

  • Wednesday September 27, 2023 at 14:30, Temple, Wachman Hall 413

    On 3-adic Galois images associated to isogeny torsion graphs of non-CM elliptic curves defined over Q

    Rakvi, University of Pennsylvania

    Let E be a non CM elliptic curve defined over ℚ. There is an isogeny torsion graph associated to E and there is also a Galois representation ρE,l:Gal(ℚ¯/ℚ)→GL2(ℤl) associated to E for every prime l. In this talk, I will discuss a classification of 3 adic Galois images associated to vertices of isogeny torsion graph of E.

  • Wednesday October 4, 2023 at 15:00, Swarthmore College, Science Center 128

    Functional Equations for Axiomatic Multiple Dirichlet Series

    Ian Whitehead, Swarthmore College

    Recent work of Sawin gives a very general construction of multiple Dirichlet series over function fields satisfying a set of geometric axioms. This construction should encompass all Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series, as well the multiple Dirichlet series associated to higher moments of L-functions and Kac-Moody root systems. The analytic properties of Sawin's multiple Dirichlet series are not yet fully understood. In this talk, I will describe the groups of functional equations satisfied by these series, some proven and some still conjectural. This is joint work in progress with Sawin.

  • Wednesday October 11, 2023 at 15:00, Swarthmore College, Science Center 128

    Rigid analytic diamonds

    Sean Howe, University of Utah

    In classical p-adic geometry, the fundamental objects are rigid analytic spaces built out of convergent power series rings reminiscent of those appearing in complex geometry. These are sufficient for many purposes, but they do not allow for a useful theory of infinite covering spaces. One remedy is to embed rigid analytic spaces in Scholze's category of diamonds by considering the functor of points on perfectoid algebrasThe category of diamonds satisfies nice stability properties, including the existence of infinite covering spaces, but these perfectoid test objects behave very differently than the classical convergent power series rings: for example, because perfectoid algebras contain approximate p-power roots, they admit no continuous derivations and thus no tangent space in the classical sense. In this talk, we will survey some interesting phenomena and examples that arise while studying the relation between rigid analytic varieties and more general diamonds, especially in the context of period maps. 

  • Wednesday October 25, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 336

    Statistics of roots of polynomial congruences

    Matthew Walsh, University of Maryland

    For an integer, monic, irreducible polynomial F, we call the x (mod m) satisfying F(x) ≡ 0 (mod m) the roots of the congruence, and we consider the se- quence of normalized roots x/m ordered by increasing m. For quadratic F , statistical information about this sequence and certain subsequences has proven to be valuable input to many problems in analytic number theory. In joint work with Jens Marklof, we found a dynamical realization of the roots as return times to a specific section for the horocycle flow on SL(2, Z)\SL(2, R), analogous to Athreya and Cheung’s in- terpretation of the BCZ map for Farey fractions. Our realization of the roots leads to limit theorems for the pair correlation and other fine-scale statistics. Similar in- terpretations can be found for cubic and higher degree F but give weaker statistical information than can be obtained in the quadratic setting.

  • Wednesday November 8, 2023 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 336

    Root Number Correlation Bias of Fourier Coefficients of Modular Forms

    Nina Zubrilina, Princeton University 

    In a recent machine learning based study, He, Lee, Oliver, and Pozdnyakov observed a striking oscillating pattern in the average value of the p-th Frobenius trace of elliptic curves of prescribed rank and conductor in an interval range. Sutherland discovered that this bias extends to Dirichlet coefficients of a much broader class of arithmetic L-functions when split by root number. In my talk, I will discuss this root number correlation bias when the average is taken over all weight k modular newforms. I will point to a source of this phenomenon in this case and compute the correlation function exactly. 

  • Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 15:00, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 336

    Tiling, Sudoku, Domino, and Decidability

    Rachel Greenfeld, IAS

    Translational tiling is a covering of a space (such as Euclidean space) using translated copies of one building block, called a "translational tile", without any positive measure overlaps. Can we determine whether a given set is a translational tile? Does any translational tile admit a periodic tiling? A well known argument shows that these two questions are closely related. In the talk, we will discuss this relation and present some new developments, joint with Terence Tao, establishing answers to both questions.

  • Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 15:00, Temple University, Wachman Hall 413

    Derived K-invariants and the derived Satake transform

    Karol Koziol, CUNY Baruch

    The classical Satake transform gives an isomorphism between the complex spherical Hecke algebra of a p-adic reductive group G, and the Weyl-invariants of the complex spherical Hecke algebra of a maximal torus of G. This provides a way for understanding the K-invariant vectors in smooth irreducible complex representations of G (where K is a maximal compact subgroup of G), and allows one to construct instances of unramified Langlands correspondences. In this talk, I'll present work in progress with Cédric Pépin in which we attempt to understand the analogous situation with mod p coefficients, and working at the level of the derived category of smooth G-representations. 

Contact: Austin Daughton

The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

  • Monday October 5, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Density of Discriminants of Algebraic Number Fields I

    Boris A. Datskovsky, Temple University

  • Monday October 19, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Density of Discriminants of Algebraic Number Fields II

    Boris A. Datskovsky, Temple University

  • Monday October 26, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Density of Discriminants of S3-Extensions of Number Fields I

    Charles Osborne, Temple University

  • Monday November 2, 2009 at 15:00, Wachman 527

    Density of Discriminants of S3-Extensions of Number Fields II

    -Note different time-

    Charles Osborne, Temple University

  • Monday November 9, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Natural Boundaries of Modular Forms I

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Monday November 16, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Natural Boundaries of Modular Forms II

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Monday November 23, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Natural Boundaries of Modular Forms III

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Monday November 30, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Natural Boundaries of Modular Forms IV

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Monday December 7, 2009 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    How Euler Conjectured the Functional Equation for the Riemann Zeta Function

    Tom Osler, Rowan University

Contact: Austin Daughton

The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

  • Wednesday February 24, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Niebur Integrals, Mock Automorphic Forms, and Harmonic Maass Forms; a Retrospective on the Work of the Rademacher School I

    Wladimir Pribitkin, College of Staten Island

  • Wednesday March 3, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Niebur Integrals, Mock Automorphic Forms, and Harmonic Maass Forms; a Retrospective on the Work of the Rademacher School II

    Wladimir Pribitkin, College of Staten Island

  • Wednesday March 24, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Exponential Functions and Trenscendence I

    Oleg Eroshkin, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 7, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Exponential Functions and Trenscendence II

    Oleg Eroshkin, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 14, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Eichler's Generalized Poincar� Series I

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Eichler's Generalized Poincar� Series II

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 28, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Eichler's Generalized Poincar� Series III

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Log-polynomial Sums and Dirichlet Series I

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday October 27, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Log-polynomial Sums and Dirichlet Series II

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 3, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Infinite Log-polynomial Sums for the Theta Group I

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Infinite Log-polynomial Sums for the Theta Group II

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 17, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Parity of kth Powers in Z mod pZ I

    Jennifer Paulhus, Villanova University

  • Wednesday December 1, 2010 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Parity of kth Powers in Z mod pZ II

    Jennifer Paulhus, Villanova University

Contact: Austin Daughton

The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

  • Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Parity of kth Powers in Z mod pZ III

    Jennifer Paulhus, Villanova University

  • Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Generalized Modular Forms I

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Generalized Modular Forms II

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Generalized Modular Forms III

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday March 16, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    Generalized Modular Forms IV

    Marvin Knopp, Temple University

  • Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    On Polynomials and Weighted Partitions I

    Daniel Parry, Drexel University

  • Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 572

    On Polynomials and Weighted Partitions II

    Daniel Parry, Drexel University

  • Wednesday April 6, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    On Polynomials and Weighted Partitions III

    Daniel Parry, Drexel University

  • Wednesday November 2, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    A New Generalization of Hecke's Correspondence I

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 9, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    A New Generalization of Hecke's Correspondence II

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    A New Generalization of Hecke's Correspondence III

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 14:30, Wachman 527

    A New Generalization of Hecke's Correspondence IV

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

Contact: Austin Daughton


The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

  • Wednesday February 1, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Selberg Trace Formula I

    Karen Taylor, Bronx Community College

  • Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Selberg Trace Formula II

    Karen Taylor, Bronx Community College

  • Wednesday February 22, 2012 at 14:40, WAchman 527

    The Petersson Principal Parts Condition for Automorphic Forms I

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Petersson Principal Parts Condition for Automorphic Forms II

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Polynomials Associated with Integer Partitions

    Robert Boyer, Drexel University

  • Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Selberg Trace Formula: The Non-Compact Case

    Karen Taylor, Bronx Community College

  • Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    On the Diophantine Equation $nx^{2}+2^{m}3^{m'}=y^{n}$ 

    Eva Goedhart, Bryn Mawr College

  • Wednesday April 4, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Automorphic Forms and Integrals on Non-Discrete Groups I

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Automorphic Forms and Integrals on Non-Discrete Groups II

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 18, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Cubic Rings and Cubic Forms

    Gautam Chinta, City College of New York

  • Wednesday May 2, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    An Arithmetic Formula for the Partition Function

    Daniel Parry, Drexel University

  • Wednesday September 19, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Fourier Coefficients of Modular and Vector-Valued Forms I

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday September 26, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Fourier Coefficients of Modular and Vector-Valued Forms II

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Fourier Coefficients of Modular and Vector-Valued Forms III

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    On the Roots of The Plane Partition Polynomials

    Daniel Parry, Drexel University

  • Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The S-Euclidean Minimum of an Ideal Class I

    Kevin McGown, Ursinus College

  • Tuesday November 13, 2012 at 15:30, Wachman 527

    Quadratic Polynomials, Period Polynomials and Hecke Operators

    -Note different day and time-

    Wissam Raji, American University of Beirut

  • Wednesday November 14, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The S-Euclidean Minimum of an Ideal Class II

    Kevin McGown, Ursinus College

  • Wednesday December 5, 2012 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Smoothed Polya-Vinogradov Inequality 

    Enrique Trevino, Swarthmore College

Contact: Austin Daughton


The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

Contact: Austin Daughton


The Seminar usually takes place on Wednesday at 2:40 PM in Room 527 on the fifth floor of Wachman Hall.

  • Wednesday January 29, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Some Interactions Between L-functions and Sieves

    Maksym Radziwill, Institute for Advanced Study

  • Wednesday February 26, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Test Vectors and Central Values for GL(2) I

    Daniel File, Muhlenberg College

  • Wednesday March 5, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Test Vectors and Central Values for GL(2) II

    Daniel File, Muhlenberg College

  • Wednesday March 12, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Small Generators for Unit Groups of Division Algebras

    Matthew Stover, Temple University

  • Wednesday March 19, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Integral Polynomial Pell Equations

    Zachary Scherr, University of Pennsylvania

  • Wednesday April 2, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Poincare Series for Automorphic Forms, Integrals, and Vector-valued Forms

    Austin Daughton, Temple University

  • Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Euclidean Algorithm in Cyclic Quintic Fields I. 

    Kevin McGown, Ursinus College

  • Wednesday April 16, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Statistics for Cyclic Trigonal Curves Over Fq. 

    Chantal David, Concordia University

  • Wednesday April 23, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    The Euclidean Algorithm in Cyclic Quintic Fields II

    Kevin McGown, Ursinus College

  • Wednesday April 30, 2014 at 14:40, Wachman 527

    Fourier Coefficients of Hyperbolic Poincare Series. 

    Karen Taylor, Bronx Community College

Current contacts: Jaclyn Lang, Catherine Hsu, Ian Whitehead, and Djordje Milicevic

The Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar rotates between Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and Temple. In Fall 2022, we meet on Tuesday afternoons, usually with tea at 3pm and then the talk 3:30-5pm. Please pay careful attention to the times and locations of the talks as they change from week to week! If you would like to be added to our mailing list or if you are interested in being a speaker, please contact one of the organizers. In future semesters, we anticipate that the seminar will be on Wednesday afternoons.

Click on title for abstract.

  • Tuesday August 30, 2022 at 15:30, Wachman 507

    Dimensions of spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2

    Manami Roy, Fordham University 

    Computing dimension formulas for the spaces of Siegel modular forms of degree 2 is of great interest to many mathematicians. We will start by discussing known results and methods in this context. The dimensions of the spaces of Siegel cusp forms of non-squarefree levels are mostly unavailable in the literature. This talk will present new dimension formulas of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2, weight k, and level 4 for three congruence subgroups. Our method relies on counting a particular set of cuspidal automorphic representations of GSp(4) and exploring its connection to dimensions of spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2. This work is joint with Ralf Schmidt and Shaoyun Yi.

  • Tuesday September 6, 2022 at 15:30, Swarthmore College, Science Center 149

    Explicit period formulas for totally real p-adic L-functions, a la Cassou-Nogues

    Luochen Zhao, Johns Hopkins University

    The p-adic Hecke L-functions over totally real fields are known to exist by works of Deligne-Ribet, Cassou-Nogues and Barsky in the late 70s, albeit the whole picture of which is still clouded to this day. In this talk I will report my recent work on the explict determination of the incarnate p-adic measures that generalizes the p-adic Bernoulli distributions, and its applications in the Gross-Stark conjecture and totally real Iwasawa invariants.

  • Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 14:45, Temple University, Wachman 412

    Nonvanishing of Dirichlet L-functions

    Djordje Milićević, Bryn Mawr College

    Central values of L-functions encode essential arithmetic information. A host of theorems and widely believed conjectures predict that they should not vanish unless there is a deep arithmetic reason for them to do so (and that this should be an exceptional occurrence in suitably generic families). In particular, it is conjectured that L(1/2, χ) = 0 for every Dirichlet character χ.

    In this talk, I will begin with a non-technical overview of the analytic number- theoretic techniques used to establish non-vanishing of L-functions and then present recent progress, in joint work with Khan and Ngo, on the non-vanishing problem for Dirichlet L-functions to large prime moduli, which also leverages deep estimates on exponential sums.


  • Tuesday September 20, 2022 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    The least Euler prime via a sieve approach


    Louis Gaudet, Rutgers University

    Euler primes are primes of the form p = x2 + Dy2 with D > 0. In analogy with Linnik’s theorem, we can ask if it is possible to show that p(D), the least prime of this form, satisfies p(D) ≪ DA for some constant A > 0. Indeed Fogels showed this in 1962, but it wasn’t until 2016 that an explicit value for A was determined by Zaman and Thorner, who showed one can take A = 694. Their work follows the same outline as the traditional approach to proving Linnik’s theorem, relying on log-free zero-density estimates for Hecke L-functions and a quantitative Deuring–Heilbronn phenomenon. In an ongoing work (as part of my PhD thesis) we propose an alternative approach to the problem via sieve methods that avoids the use of the above technical results on zeros of the Hecke L-functions. We hope that such simplifications may result in a better value for the exponent A. 


  • Tuesday September 27, 2022 at 14:30, Swarthmore College, Science Center 149

    How do points on plane curves generate fields? Let me count the ways.

    Renee Bell, CUNY Lehman

    In their program on diophantine stability, Mazur and Rubin suggest studying a curve C over Q by understanding the field extensions of  generated by a single point of C; in particular, they ask to what extent the set of such field extensions determines the curve . A natural question in arithmetic statistics along these lines concerns the size of this set: for a smooth projective curve C how many field extensions of Q — of given degree and bounded discriminant — arise from adjoining a point of C? Can we further count the number of such extensions with specified Galois group? Asymptotic lower bounds for these quantities have been found for elliptic curves by Lemke Oliver and Thorne, for hyperelliptic curves by Keyes, and for superelliptic curves by Beneish and Keyes. We discuss similar asymptotic lower bounds that hold for all smooth plane curves C, using tools such as geometry of numbers, Hilbert irreducibility, Newton polygons, and linear optimization.

  • Tuesday October 4, 2022 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr, Park Science Center 328

    Explicit non-Gorenstein R=T via rank bounds

    Catherine Hsu, Swarthmore College

    In his seminal work on modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal, Mazur studied the existence of congruences between certain Eisenstein series and newforms, proving that Eisenstein ideals associated to weight 2 cusp forms of prime level are locally principal. In this talk, we'll explore generalizations of Mazur's result to squarefree level, focusing on recent work, joint with P. Wake and C. Wang-Erickson, about a non-optimal level N that is the product of two distinct primes and where the Galois deformation ring is not expected to be Gorenstein. First, we will outline a Galois-theoretic criterion for the deformation ring to be as small as possible, and when this criterion is satisfied, deduce an R=T theorem. Then we'll discuss some of the techniques required to computationally verify the criterion. 

  • Tuesday October 18, 2022 at 14:30, Swarthmore, Science Center 149

    p-adic aspects of modular forms and L-functions

    Ellen Eischen, University of Oregon

    I will discuss recent developments and ongoing work for p-adic aspects of modular forms and L-functions, which encode arithmetic data.  Interest in p-adic properties of values of L-functions originated with Kummer's study of congruences between values of the Riemann zeta function at negative odd integers, as part of his attempt to understand class numbers of cyclotomic extensions.  After presenting an approach to proving congruences and constructing p-adic L-functions, I will conclude the talk by introducing ongoing joint work of G. Rosso, S. Shah, and myself (concerning Spin L-functions for GSp_6).  I will explain how this work fit into the context of earlier developments, including constructions of Serre, Katz, Coates--Sinnot, Deligne--Ribet, Hida, E--Harris--Li--Skinner, and Liu.  I will not assume the audience has prior familiarity with p-adic L-functions or Spin L-functions, and all who are curious about this topic are welcome. 

  • Tuesday October 25, 2022 at 16:30, Swarthmore Science Center 199

    Symmetry, almost (2nd Dresden Lecture)

    Amanda Folsom, Amherst College

    Some definitions of the word symmetry include “correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing,” “balanced proportions,” and “the property of remaining invariant under certain changes, as of orientation in space.” One might think of snowflakes, butterflies, and our own faces as naturally symmetric objects – or at least close to it. Mathematically one can also conjure up many symmetric objects: even and odd functions, fractals, certain matrices, and modular forms, a type of symmetric complex function. All of these things, mathematical or natural, arguably exhibit a kind of beauty in their symmetries, so would they lose some of their innate beauty if their symmetries were altered? Alternatively, could some measure of beauty be gained with slight symmetric imperfections? We will explore these questions from past to present guided by the topic of modular forms and their variants. What can be gained by perturbing modular symmetries in particular?

  • Tuesday November 1, 2022 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Heuristics for anti-cyclotomic Zp-extensions

    Debanjana Kundu, University of British Columbia

    For an imaginary quadratic field, there are two natural Zp-extensions, the cyclotomic and the anticyclotomic.  We'll start with a brief description of Iwasawa theory for the cyclotomic extensions, and then describe some computations for anticyclotomic Zp-extensions, especially the fields and their class numbers.  This is joint work with LC Washington.

  • Tuesday November 8, 2022 at 15:30, Temple, Tuttleman 0001B (note unusual room!)

    Deformations of Galois Representations

    Ashwin Iyengar, Johns Hopkins University

    Originally studied by Mazur in the early 1990s, the deformation theory of Galois representations describes the ways in which one can lift a mod p Galois representation to characteristic zero. It plays a central role in the Langlands program; for instance, a careful study of the geometry of deformation rings is one of the key inputs to Wiles’s proof of Fermat’s last theorem.

     I will give a short introduction to deformation theory in general, and then explain how Galois representations fit into this framework. Then I will give a sketch of how these are used in modularity lifting theorems. Finally, I will talk about work with Gebhard Böckle and Vytautas Paškūnas which describes the geometry of local p-adic Galois deformation rings. If time permits I will discuss the strategy of the proof, which involves a reduction to the theory of pseudorepresentations.


  • Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 15:30, Bryn Mawr College, Park Science Center 328

    Large Values of the Riemann zeta function on the Critical Line

    Louis-Pierre Arguin, CUNY Baruch


    The interplay between probability theory and number theory has a rich history of producing deep results and conjectures. This talk will review recent results in this spirit where the insights of probability have led to a better understanding of large values of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line. In particular, we will discuss the large deviations of Selberg’s central limit theorem as well as the maximum of zeta in short intervals.

    This is based on joint works with Emma Bailey, and with Paul Bourgade & Maksym Radziwill. 

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Shira Gilat, UPenn

Abstract:The algebra of supernatural matrices is a key example in the theory of locally finite central simple algebras.  Supernatural matrices are a minimal solution to the equation of unital algebras M_n(X) ∼= X, which we compare to several similar conditions involving cancellation of matrices. This algebra has appeared under various names before, and it generalizes both McCrimmon's deep matrices algebra and m-petal Leavitt path algebra.

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Katy Woo, Princeton University

Abstract: We resolve Manin's conjecture for all Châtelet surfaces over Q (surfaces given by equations of the form x^2 + ay^2 = f(z)) -- we establish asymptotics for the number of rational points of increasing height. The key analytic ingredient is estimating sums of Fourier coefficients of modular forms along polynomial values.

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Ian Whitehead, Swarthmore College

Abstract: I will discuss joint work in progress with Will Sawin on function field multiple Dirichlet series constructed based on a set of axioms from algebraic geometry. These series have applications to moments of Dirichlet L-functions for characters of fixed order. We prove functional equations that imply meromorphic continuation for many of these series. The most striking feature of our work is a set of detailed predictions for the symmetries involved in any given moment computation. We find a complete tabulation of moments that are possible to compute via known multiple Dirichlet series methods, including several new moments.

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Ellen Eischen, IAS/University of Oregon

Abstract: TBA

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Mohamed Moakher, University of Pittsburgh

Abstract: TBA

Event Date
Event Time
03:00 pm ~ 04:30 pm
Event Location

David Lowry-Duda, ICERM

Abstract: TBA

Event Date
Event Time
02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Event Location
Temple University, Wachman Hall 412

Mingjia Zhang, Princeton University

Abstract: TBA