Schedule for the Conference Perspectives in Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Geometric Measure Theory and their applications to Several Complex Variables

Schedule for the Conference 
Perspectives in Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Geometric Measure Theory and 
their applications to Several Complex Variables


Thursday, September 13th (All talks in the Howard Gittis Student Center - Underground Room)
1:30-2:00 PMRegistration, Coffee/Refreshments and Welcome
2:00-2:45 PMCristian Gutiérrez (Temple University)Regularity results for the near field parallel beam refractor problem
3:00-3:45 PMHoai-Minh Nguyen (University of Minnesota)Some new characterizations of Sobolev spaces
4:00-4:45 PMAndrew Hicks (Drexel University)The geometry of optical design
5:00-5:45 PMSiqi Fu (Rutgers University - Camden)Estimates of the invariant metrics and applications
6:00-7:00 PMPoster Session and Department ReceptionWachman Hall 617
Friday, September 14th (All talks in the Howard Gittis Student Center - Room 200A)
8:30-9:00 AMCoffee 
9:00-9:45 AMShiferaw Berhanu (Temple University)Boundary properties of generalized analytic functions
10:00-10:45 AMXiaojun Huang (Rutgers University)On the local hull of holomorphy of a real submanifold
11:00-11:45 AMMei-Chi Shaw (University of Notre Dame)The Cauchy-Riemann equations on non-smooth domains
Lunch Break   
2:00-2:20 PMJing Wang (Purdue University)The subelliptic heat kernel and its asymptotics on model spaces
2:30-3:15 PMGerardo Mendoza (Temple University)Boundary value problems for elliptic operators
3:30-4:15 PMThomas Krainer (Pennsylvania State University-Altoona)The heat trace, zeta-functions, and resolvent of elliptic operators on conic manifolds
4:30-4:50 PMJennifer Beichman (University of Michigan)New estimates for 1d dispersive PDE
6:30 PMConference DinnerLocation to be announced
Saturday, September 15th (All talks in the Howard Gittis Student Center - Underground Room)
8:30-9:00 AMCoffee 
9:00-9:20 AMNathan Pennington (Kansas State University)Local and global existence for the Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes equations in Besov spaces
9:30-9:50 AMMatthew Badger (Stony Brook University)Quasispheres and by-Lipschitz parameterizations
10:00-10:45 AMPhilip Gressman (University of Pennsylvania)Scalar oscillatory integrals on smooth spaces of homogeneous type
Lunch Break   
1:00-1:45 PMMarius Mitrea (University of Missouri)Square function estimates and applications to PDE's in rough domains
2:00-2:45 PMJosé María Martell (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid)Uniform rectifiability and harmonic measure in 1-sided NTA domains

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