Visualizing projective geometry

Juan-Carlos Alvarez

Event Date
Event Time
04:00 pm ~ 04:50 pm
Event Location
Wachman 617

Twenty years ago the study of projective geometry would have seemed somewhat like the study of Latin: good for the brain and a means to keep in contact with the ancients. Today, however, projective geometry is a popular subject with mathematicians and computer scientists. This is due to the new applications to computer vision and to the fact that geometry and geometric thinking are again on the upswing. Moreover, computer science has returned the favor by providing powerful tools for the visualization and diffusion of mathematics. Java applets, animated GIF images, and linked HTML pages allow us to present mathematics and, most particularly, geometry in a way that was unthinkable twenty years ago.

In this talk we will give a short introduction to projective geometry using PyGeo, a powerful and freely available visualization tool written in Python and developed by Arthur Siegel (who may come and participate in the talk.)