Françoise Tisseur: Exploiting Tropical Algebra in Numerical Linear Algebra

Françoise Tisseur, University of Manchester

The tropical semiring consists of the real numbers and infinity along 
with two binary operations: addition defined by the max or min operation and
multiplication. Tropical algebra is the tropical analogue of linear algebra,
working with matrices with entries on the extended real line. There are
analogues of eigenvalues and singular values of matrices, and matrix
factorizations in the tropical setting, and when combined with a 
valuation map these analogues offer `order of magnitude' approximations to 
eigenvalues and singular values, and factorizations of matrices in the usual algebra. 
What makes tropical algebra a useful tool for numerical linear algebra is that these
tropical analogues are usually cheaper to compute than those in the 
conventional algebra. They can then be used in the design of preprocessing steps to 
improve the numerical behaviour of algorithms. In this talk I will review the
contributions of tropical algebra to numerical linear algebra and 
discuss recent results on the selection of Hungarian scalings prior to solving linear 
systems and eigenvalue problems.

Event Date
Event Time
04:00 pm ~ 05:00 pm
Event Location
617 Wachman Hall