Mid-Atlantic Numerical Analysis Day 2024

A conference on numerical analysis and scientific computing for graduate students and postdocs in the Mid-Atlantic region.


Event Date
Event Time
09:00 am ~ 05:00 pm
Event Location
Wachman 617


The Conference

This one-day meeting will start at 10am to allow same-day travel. 
It will be held in Room 617 Wachman Hall, Temple University, 1805 North Broad Street, just north of Montgomery Avenue. 
It is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their research, and to meet other researchers. 
There will be contributed talks and a poster session. 
There is no registration fee, and no support for travel. Lunch will be provided. 
We ask every participant to please register in advance, even if they are not planning to give a talk. 

Keynote Speaker

Mark Embree, Virginia Tech

Spectral Computations for Quasicrystals



Registration and/or Abstract Submission

If you would like to participate (in any form), please register using the online registration form
Deadline for the submission of talks: October 11, 2024.

Conference Poster and Booklet

Conference Poster

Click to download a PDF.


Conference Booklet


Make your own arrangements. Please feel free to contact us for information on accommodation.


Email: naday -at- temple.edu


Directions, Maps, Parking


Benjamin Seibold and Daniel B. Szyld


Sponsored and supported by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Science and Technology, the Graduate School, and the Center for Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Temple University.

Previous Years

NA-Day 2023 
NA-Day 2022 
NA-Day 2019 
NA-Day 2018 
NA-Day 2017 
NA-Day 2016 
NA-Day 2015 
NA-Day 2014 
NA-Day 2013 
NA-Day 2012 
NA-Day 2011